Mediacorp Ch5 - Makan Time Stories
A 6-part community-inspired entertainment series celebrating Singapore's cosmopolitanism on Channel 5.
What do a national powerlifter, female footballer who is also an international model; the last known kacang putih man, a cheong sam maker whose designs are a multi-cultural emblem, a Bollywood dancer, an African photographer whose lens presents a twist on Humans of Singapore the local Maori community and the “waka”, or an Italian master of the “katana” have in common? Find out when celebrity Chef Chris Choo and actor Rayve Tay cajole with an eclectic mix of individuals to cook up a feast while uncovering secrets to their super-powers. See an out of the ordinary sight to Singapore and share extraordinary stories at makan time.
Makan Time Stories debuted Feb. 20 2024 on Channel 5 at 9:30pm Tuesdays.