Vanessa Chiu (b. 2000) is a filmmaker from Singapore. Her works often explore pervasive themes of memory, loneliness, and a sense of belonging, revealing the intricacies of human relationships with sensitivity and nuance.

She started her journey towards pursuing the performative and visual arts by enrolling in the Theatre Studies program at the junior college level before eventually obtaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Filmmaking from Nanyang Technological University in 2023. Her years of training culminated in the development of her cross-border final-year thesis film, Two Weeks in July, which generated excitable reviews from both the public and industry professionals at the recent School of Art, Design and Media’s graduation exhibition. Currently, her film is running the festival circuit and Vanessa looks forward to creating her next short film in the coming years.

In her free time, Vanessa actively pursues her passion for creating light and audience-catered content to hone her skills in translating words into visuals, which she often shares on her YouTube platform. She also co-owns a separate channel, created in collaboration with a long-time friend and work partner, featuring travel and cultural content that has garnered over 200,000 views to date.